Code of Conduct

McWane is committed to the ethical conduct of all team memberswhether they are part of the management team or the manufacturing team.

By joining the McWane team, team members have each made a commitment to act ethically and to lead with integrity.  Our Code of Ethical Conduct shows us how to uphold this commitment as we interact with the various groups that have a stake in our Company’s values.

  • Our Commitment to Our Fellow Team Members
    We treat one another fairly and with respect, valuing the talents, experiences and strengths of our diverse workforce.
  • Our Commitment to Our Customers
    We maintain the trust of our customers, providing the best products on the market and adhering to honest, ethical and legal practices in all that we do.
  • Our Commitment to the Marketplace
    We deal fairly with our business partners and suppliers, acting ethically and upholding the law in everything we do.
  • Our Commitment to Our Company
    We act honestly and transparently at all times to keep our company safe and strong.
  • Our Commitment to Our Communities
    We comply with all applicable laws, protecting our natural resources and supporting the communities where we live, work and do business.

For more information, see “Reference Guide to the McWane, Inc. Code of Ethical Conduct in the Workplace

McWane’s Commitment to Cybersecurity for its iHydrant Products

Cybersecurity is a vital aspect of our business, as we provide services and solutions that collect, store, and process personal and confidential data from our customers. We are committed to protecting our customers' data from unauthorized access, exposure, or damage, and to ensuring the availability and performance of our system and services.

For more information, see the full commitment.