Subject: Manchester Tank & Equipment Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dear Valued Customer:

Like many of you, we have spent the last several days and weeks learning about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and how this pandemic is impacting our team members, customers, suppliers and communities. In challenging times like these, we look to our company’s Guiding Principles and Values to inform how we think about decisions and priorities. 

Our first priority is the health and safety of our team members. At this time, we have had no direct impact to our team members as a result of the COVID-19, and we have taken several actions to keep it that way:  

  • We have implemented a strict travel policy for our team members, including a 100% ban on all air travel.
  • Industrial grade cleaning services have been contracted on a more frequent basis at all our facilities.
  • Participation in trade shows has been indefinitely suspended.
  • We have increased the availability and use of anti-bacterial hand sanitizers at our facilities.
  • Large group meetings have been cancelled.
  • Formal “social distancing” policies have been implemented at all of our facilities.
  • Emergency response contingency plans have been developed in the event any team member exhibits symptoms of, or actually contracts the virus.

Ensuring the uninterrupted supply of your tank and cylinder needs is our next highest priority. Our Supply Chain team has been in regular contact with all our key suppliers since the outbreak began in Asia. Fortunately, most Manchester Tank products are manufactured domestically using U.S. based suppliers and our international supply chain exposure has been minimal. As COVID-19 concerns have shifted to the United States, so has the focus to our domestic supply chain and we remain in regular contact with our key domestic suppliers.

As of the date of this letter, Manchester Tank has not experienced any significant disruption to its supply chain due to COVID-19.

That said, we recognize this status can change very quickly given the nature of COVID-19 and we will continue to monitor the situation closely. Manchester Tank will notify you as soon as practical if we detect any potential supply chain impact to the tanks we supply you.  You may also refer to our company website to receive updates on COVID-19:

During these challenging times Manchester Tank will remain vigilant in ensuring the safety of our team members that serve you, as well as the continuity of the supply chain you rely on.

Thank you for your business.



Nancy Chamblee
